Angry, Fiery Indigos

Indigo Children are known for their fiery energy. When channeled effectively into passionate, driven ways and areas of life, it leads the child and individual streaming down multiple streamlines of creativity, opening them up to a world of unlimited possibilities. All of this is driven towards a purpose. Once an Indigo Child is set on something, there’s no stopping them because they are so feeling oriented that trying to divert them would mean simply being knocked over by the whirlwind of energy that is them.

Considering this deep passion from a positive sense, when driven the opposite way, there still is no stopping them once a certain idea, thought and intention is behind them. Perhaps there may be times where the Indigo feels so intent based on their feelings and hasn’t balanced out these feelings with the headspace – the practicality, the implicatioPuu_Oo_croppedns of what they may be opening themselves and others up to.

Let’s take for example when an Indigo is say highly stressed, upset or very very angry. Someone has played a joke on them that has been misunderstood or someone has picked on them and their anger has built. It has accumulated. The Indigo lashes out and unleashes their anger upon the person because of how they are feeling, without considering what effect it may have on everyone else afterwards.

For Indigos, one of the BIGGEST lessons to learn is to manage their anger. Imagine this pressure cooker, building, building, gathering energy, gathering steam from the esteem issues that they may face, the teasing and put downs by teachers, other students, family members and friends. Watch out if this rage erupts like a volcano. Usually children who are carrying a lot of anger will seem more tense, defiant towards authority, edgy, anxious or short tempered and it can go towards two common scenarios:
1. An addiction to violent video games, movies and imagery
2. Lashing out and setting upon others, using others literally as their punching bags in a range of cases.

For us parents, teachers and children, we can be more aware of the impact that we have on others and what we can set ourselves and others up for. If we are here to teach these children about peace and usher in a new wave of it, then we need to find it within ourselves first and foremost. Let’s remind each and every one of us, that we are all holy children of the Universe. The Creator did not create demeaning, disempowering labels, medical communities did. Anger is the lashback that comes from a place of fear.

Let’s think of some ways that we can help manage anger and release it in healthy ways;

  • Martial Arts is a great way to connect physical energy and emotions – not to say that it teaches people to fight others. Rather it teaches people self-discipline, self-cultivation and relaxation. At a martial level, any tension or stress actually decreases one’s ability to remain in control of a situation or apply or exert force. Imagine if this were the case in a confrontation? Remember in one of our previous articles, we mentioned that exercise and physical activity increases serotonin, therefore decreasing stress.
  • Fresh air and nature brings one closer to the natural flow of energy, detoxing and cleansing. Studies show that nature sounds have very calming and soothing effects on our feelings and emotions. Send your kids outside if they’re getting agitated or frustrated.
  • Journalling helps us to connect with our emotions and explore our feelings. Try writing out your emotions and the things that are bothering you and then tear up or burn the paper as a way of letting it all go.
  • Listening to or playing music has a very theruapetic effect on our brains and can shift the energies of various emotions
  • Set up a calming and cooling down area in your home or classroom for a child to go to when they need time out from all the stimulation of the home and classroom environment. Teach countdown methods – eg. 1. Becoming self aware of behaviour. “How do I feel right now?”
    2. Making a choice, “Is this what I really want? Is there another way?”
    3. Calming and returning, “I’ll remove myself from this situation and return when I am ready”.

As parents and teachers, we are certain you’ll be able to pick up on these things before they happen, however if we can set our children up to self-regulate their behaviours, feelings and emotions, there is always a brighter side to approaching this. Keep in mind that anger is healthy to express and it is the build up and eruption of it that can reach concerning levels with Indigos. Talk to yourselves and know when you’re feeling one way or another. Enlighten yourselves by listening to your feelings and what you are really saying about yourself and others. Is this what you really want? Are you sure? There is always another way, there is always hope!

My Indigo Brothers and Sisters, you have nothing to fear. Nothing to worry about. Nothing to hide. You are celebrated for all that you are and all that you have, because at the end of the day, you are a perfect and special being. Born of love and deserving love in every moment.

Love from Nathan and Friends O:)

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